Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where Does Your Bridge Span?

Do you stop to consider the influence you have on the people you encounter? We are a seeking world for relational connections; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc are social and professional cyber-relational gathering places for us to connect and re-connect with acquaintances, friends and family members. Do you ever have the opportunity to come face-to-face with an opportunity based on a relationship? Let me explain:

I am currently visiting my father in my home town. I haven’t lived here for 33 years, yet I attended church with my family this past Sunday and roamed the halls where I was once the third angel on the right in the annual Christmas pageant. I came upon a friend of my long-deceased Mother who asked about what I was doing in my life. I shared with her I was no longer in the television industry but had returned to school and now own and run my own web design business. As I type this, I am waiting for a meeting with the local museum who is interested in becoming a client all because of this encounter two days ago.

We never know who or how we will touch someone. You may not think you influence people because you do not always see the results. Your website can be influential to those surfing the internet or those who couldn’t to make it to church last week or those who can’t get to church. You never know when a picture, a caption, or a sermon one reads or listens to might touch them and change their day. You may not realize the calendar reminder helped that one soul who couldn’t remember the time of the meeting or the visitor who didn’t know the way to your door and got directions through your website.

Where does your bridge of relationship lead? We sometimes know the path and sometimes God’s breath brushes it into the arms of someone we cannot imagine.

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