Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Going Electronic

A couple of weeks ago I mention in my blog adding credit card transactions to your website (July 21: “Donation$: Is Ca$h a Four-Lettered Word?”). Have you considered other steps you could take toward making our electronic world work for you? Have you thought of eliminating your paper newsletter and going exclusively to web-driven readership? Instead of sending out letters on upcoming events, do you have an email distribution system that helps cut cost on postage? I can feel your squirms and cries from here…… read on.

This isn’t a cold turkey thing. You’re not going to just stop all delivery. There is going to be a contingency of people who absolutely, positively will NOT get information any other way than through mail distribution. But consider the possibilities… Not only will you eliminate some debt, you will maintain connections with your congregation outside of scheduled meetings and Sunday worship. Making this move does require some administrative effort. You must encourage it. Promote it. Keep it in the forefront until it is a natural part of your congregation.

Here’s a test: How many congregants know your web address? Can tell you the last time they went to your website?

Promotion is the key. Get them interested in going to your site for information like newsletter and announcements or looking through recent photo of events that have occurred in the life of the church. Add forms to sign-up for activities; or better yet, receiving electronic communication!

In time, your efforts will produce results. We’re a busy and a scattered people. An email mid-week or a visit to the website jogs our short-term memories that we are a part of the people of God.

Just a few features a website/emailing can provide --- even for the smallest of organizations:
  • Information that may have been forgotten.
  • Forms: sign-ups, enrollment, requests: such as prayer requests
  • Blogs- a personal thought process
  • Links to group forums: Facebook is free. How about an online Bible study??
  • Newsletters
  • Announcements
  • Events
  • Credit card transactions
  • Pictures from an event

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