Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Losing Touch

A friend of mine sends me daily devotionals. I admit sometimes I just think I’m too busy to stop and take the time to read these three or four short paragraphs of thought. Why? I could give countless excuses but it truly boils down to the preference and priority of the moment. It boils down to our personal in-mind check list of delete-open- categorize for later; the internal interest barometer.

Today, I started to just click off of it and again, not read this short story that might make me stop and think about God and my faith. But today, I stopped. Today’s message: “Faith Book”, (Susanne Scheppmann of Proverbs 31 Ministry). Her story: Our addiction to Facebook. Internet social networking. It’s quiet and seductive seeking into our lives that absorbs time faster than Bounty quicker-picker-upper.

I don’t know if you “do” social networking. I got into last fall and have rediscovered friends from years ago and made a few new ones. I don’t necessarily “chat” but send cute little application icons of flowers, animals, smiley faces, and get involved in cyber food-fights with old college classmates. Working from home, alone, it gives me a sense of connectedness.

On a positive side, social networking can be productive, especially in the right forum. It keeps fellowship and ideas flowing. It allows the sometimes timid to be bold and the constant talker to be silent. I actually encourage you to explore how this medium could work for your church. The link to your group can easily be shared through your newsletter or website. It can be an open or closed group; the administrator decides.

On the other side and back to the devotion I read today. Are we too engrossed in social networking and other electronic devised that we’ve forgotten how to spend time with God? With our families? Looking into the face of the person in the room with us instead of glancing at them as we briefly acknowledge they are speaking before we bury our head back into the screen?

Today’s devotion point: Do you network with God before networking with friends?

ps: yesterday I was diagnosed with tension headaches caused from too much time at the computer screen. Hmmm. Is God speaking?

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