Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It’s hot! Sure ‘enough in Dallas it’s hot and when the air conditioner can’t keep up with the heat in the house, it makes you want to just do nothing. Summer is like that. We take a breather. We take vacations. We play a couple of games of solitaire of visit with co-workers a little more as we have this brief lull in our very busy lives.

While you can hopefully take a breather, let me pose this question? Have you looked at your website lately? If you don’t’ have one, well maybe it’s time to ask that session or body of people to take that step. But, have you looked around your website? Is the information current? Are there pictures that need to be updated? Are their people in leadership positions who are no longer serving in that capacity?

We’re all guilty of setting up websites, brochures, and flyers about our organization that once completed; we breathe a sigh of relief, push that task off our to-do list and forget about it. Like the batteries in our smoke detectors, we need to replace our data once in a while.

So consider this your reminder. Take a few minutes to explore your church or organization as if you are new visitor seeing it for the first time? Can you find your way around? Are there some cobwebs that need to be cleaned out?
In the meantime, stay cool and enjoy a refreshing drink, whatever your poison may be.

Peace, folks.

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