Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep it Private

I just finished watching another news clip about hacking into personal computers and folks getting scammed or losing information. I shake my head as I'm guilty of some laxed habits but I learned in my computer education that the big World Wide Web (aka: www ) is a DANGEROUS place. When you were a little person, a kid, I'm sure your Mom or some "big" person told you about looking both ways before you crossed the street. Well, I'm always advocating technology so I feel my due diligence is warranted with this post. Stop reading now if you feel you know it all.

Things to think about when you log in:

Are you logging on to the Internet at someplace other than your home computer? If yes, are you at work? Does your boss or company have access to your email inbox? Your keystrokes? Are you saving online passwords on this computer? (bad if at work. REALLY BAD if on a public computer like the library , car wash or coffee shop).

Do you shop online? If yes, believe it or not, it's one of the more safer places for your credit card. I have been a victim of credit card abduction from a restaurant. Yes! Just remember, you hand your card to a person who in turn walks away with it. Where does your card go for those magical minutes? Chances are, if you're credit card is going to be compromised, it's not because of your made a purchase online; instead, because someone working at the restaurant is a thief. Online fraud happens more when you purchase from a fake website. Know if the company is reputable before submitting your information.

Another thing about online shopping, I suggest not saving your credit card to the site. This service is often available. If your computer gets compromised, this is a risk.

IMPORTANT! Do you participate in a social networks? I have encouraged people to use social networks such as Facebook to use for forums and groups. I still advocate this. Just remember: you may be sitting in your bathrobe in the privacy of your home office or slouched on the couch in your underwear, BUT you are in the most public place you can ever be in when you enter a social network arena. Make sure your settings are closed to friends only or friends of friends, if you feel comfortable. Signing up for a service like Facebook has default settings that allow everyone to read and see your information. Head straight to account settings and make those changes to safeguard your interaction.

But even MORE IMPORTANT..... Do you answer the questionnaires on social networks? Let me help you with this one. Have you ever answered any of the following:
  • Which Book of the Bible are You?
  • What is Your Personality Type?
  • Which Female Grease Character Are You?
  • Which 1980's Television Show Are You?
  • What Dead Rock Star are YOU?
  • Twenty-five things no one knows about me?
  • Etc., etc, etc......

I'm guilty! Let's all make a pack to stop, okay? Why? Have you ever thought about who created this fun little application? Have you ever thought about where your answers go? Have you pondered what secrets you are innocently imparting to entertain yourself?

Folks, This is the single-most easy way we give away the farm. We innocently allow copious information about ourselves to be released into the sea of the unknown. This one simple non-threatening act opens the door for hackers to know far too much about us. You may think I'm nuts stating this... so let me ask you this? If you have filled in one of these fun little questionnaires, has any answer been related to protected information? Such as the secret answer to the question you must to give your credit card company to retrieve the password you forgot? Ah-ha! yes.

I won't start preaching about the information and images on your website. That's for another blog. But please, be mindful. There's no one "big person" in cyber to hold your hand or remind you to look both ways when you open the Internet door. Just remember... there's a lot of traffic out there and you never know how fast or how big the cars and trucks are because you can't hear their engines or see them coming. Play nice, share sparingly, and WATCH what your fingers say! Peace-

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