Thursday, August 13, 2009

What will happen to all those book swaps in the Fellowship Hall?

Last week I wrote in my blog about saving money by “going electronic”. I continue this topic again this week by pondering eBooks. Hey, I’m old school. I love the tactile feel of a book in my hand; the experience of starting to doze off as I scan the words and the weight of the book slipping slowly, then quickly, on to my stomach, or worse, tumbling to the floor to jolt me awake.

The market is small but growing and soon the cost of this latest gadget will trickle into more affordable prices (currently around $279-299). Can you image it? All these people, everywhere, heads buried in the glow of the 10 ounce or less screen reading as they wait for a meeting. Or reading on the transit, or reading in church! Reading! That unto itself is a lost art in many forums. Yes, the cliché’ holds: the times, they are a changin’.

Your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents had to learn to adapt to Henry Ford’s new assembly line that rolled out all those cars. I’m old enough to remember folks who didn’t have telephones in their homes. The list is infinite of the many objects and gadgets in our lives today that just weren’t there a few years ago.

What’s my point to this? It’s a question back to you: What steps are you taking to move yourself and your congregation in to tomorrow? You don’t have to run out and buy eBooks for your pews, but think about what you can do to help those around you , maybe including yourself, recognize where today’s tools need to replace outdated ones; where today’s processes and thoughts need to change and adapt; kind of like new wineskins. Hmm. Seems like there’s some scripture about that that….maybe I’ll ask Santa for an eBook for Christmas to read up on it.

Sites to visit for more information on eBooks:

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