Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where are Your Fingers Walking?

“Let’s your fingers do the walking.” That was the slogan for Yellow Pages for many years. Yellow pages? Do you still use the Yellow Pages to find things; businesses or churches or doctors? Or do you use the search engine on your computer?

A new thick Yellow Pages book lands on my doorstep about once a year. Then another and another until I have 4 or 5 yellow-paged books from different companies to clutter my phone book cubby hole on my desk where the Yellow Pages are supposed to live. Do you know what all of these “yellow pages” have in common? You can’t find what you’re looking for. At least, that is my experience. I get frustrated locating the right subject heading to eventually find a phone number that is disconnected or a business that lists their web address where I in turn, go to my computer and type in the URL to learn about their business. In truth, my fingers walked right off the yellowed-page to my keyboard.

My new strategy is paying off; I now toss those yellow paged books in my recycle bin and begin my searches on the Internet. It pays off almost every time. I might only find a phone number from the Online Yellow Pages that has popped up in the search engine, but I FIND something. If you spend much time with me, you know this is one of my mantra’s …..How are people going to find you if you don’t let them know you are there?

Where do your fingers walk? If you only use the Yellow Pages or Encyclopedia Britannica as your resource, you’re an exception. Today’s fingers are running over keyboards and smooth-lined hand-held objects to locate everything imaginable. Search engines are really incredible pieces of technology. Once you obtain your URL (your domain), and use the proper tagging, your site will begin to populate the search results and fingers can walk right to your door to learn about whatever you’ve published at any given hour of any given day. My June 23rd blog, “Hide It Under a Bushel, No! I’m Gonna Let It Shine!” emphasizes the importance of being part of the web community.

It is one of my quests in life, to see every church have a web presence. It’s why I revisit this subject. I will continue to beat this drum as the message is so critical. Why do you think Microsoft launched Bing, their new search engine? It’s how people find things. Can they find you?

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