Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Season of Change

It’s that time of year- colored leaves, crisp mornings with dew on the grass, a hint of Christmas tide ebbing around the corner. For me, it’s generally a time of new beginnings. I don’t know why my time of change is the fall. It’s just how my life has unfolded. I begin new jobs, form new relationships, and move. Yes, I’ve moved 5 times in my life in the fall and guess what? I’m moving again.

Being married to a minister, it becomes part of your DNA. Serving the church is cyclical. When you are part of that lifestyle, it is sometimes a challenge being the other partner as you get to seek a new job. This is one of the reasons I began my own company. It’s also great that my company lives in the cyber-world: it’s everywhere! – Kind of like God’s love.

The Internet is often touted as a scary place. I warn my clients about images of young people displayed on their website and to be mindful of what they are saying. The Internet can also be a wonderful place; a place to embrace and reach people who are too far away from us geographically yet sometimes feel like they are in the room when you are reading an email or seeing a sentence they have written on a social network. It’s a gentle reminder they are okay, they are alive, they are thinking of you.

I’m not a sit-in-a-circle-and-sing-camp-songs like “Kum Bai Yah” or “Pass It On” and hug and sigh kind of gal. There are moments when I encounter a comment or email that makes me realize the sentiment behind the note or shared joke or whatever, is more a subtle message, saying, “Hey, I’m thinking about you”. It makes all the crazy over-sent copied messaged I receive from my cousin bearable. Because ultimately, her intent is not to make me irritated and wonder if she has something better do to with her life, but to remind me, she’s thinking about me. Cyber-connection with others can be a presence like God’s love when we choose to recognize its potential in helping us touch hands we cannot reach; feel a presence when it doesn’t physically exist.

VTG Enterprises is moving to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and not one thing changes with my relationship with my clients. Well, maybe a couple; such as a new phone number and an address, but that’s it. My web service stays connected to you as it is; the same as right now, with me sitting in my office in Flower Mound, Texas. Now I’ll just be sitting a little further east and south; that my friends, makes me love my job. I get to take you with me. I may travel far and wide, but our relationship can stay the same with this wonderful interconnected tool that allows thought and imagery to pass freely.

Transition begins December 1, 2009 and will be completed mid-to-late January 2010. VTG Enterprises will still be plugging along throughout this time.

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