Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pico –boo; Doesn’t Play hide-n-Seek with Projection

Cool Technology! Don’t you just love new gadgets!? Okay, maybe not for some of you. Hot off the presses in new digital gizmos is Pico Projector. I read an article using Texas Instrument integration but little Pico Projectors are around —TODAY! Pico Projectors hit the market last year but they are now providing a much better image quality. And—they’re going to cell phones!

What is Pico Projectors? Have you watched a projection screen image in a sanctuary or large meeting? Generally one of two things is happening: words to music, scripture, etc. is being shown or you’re viewing a report from a committee that is trying to convey large amounts of information or enhancing a presentation. Viewing on this format has generally involved very expensive projectors, costing in the neighborhood of $3,000 to $5,000. Pico Projectors will use your cell phone to cast the same image. I get the sense the viewing format is going to be smaller, by the nonetheless, it's an incredible tool you can now carry around in your pocket.

View the video about Samsung:



We’ll be seeing much more of this cool stuff in January at the CES [Consumer Electronic Show]

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