Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh, it's You?

     off the face of the Earth?

     to keep up?

Wondering if your efforts….
     are inspiring or advancing your cause?

     boredom or ennui?

I’ve asked myself all these questions when I see the true time span of vacancy in Groote’s Gaggle. 

Reality lives somewhere between all of this and the fact that again I have been uprooted from my permanent digs to a new location.  I sit in transition in north Tarrant County outside of Fort Worth, TX as my hoped for, final address, is materializing brick by brick.  Most of us have that perpetual desire to set down roots and build a foundation of longevity in a place.

Over this sea of vacancy, I have been gathering in new clients, saying goodbye to some, and continually and constantly learning new avenues and turns in the roads of the World Wide Web.

Clean, easy to use, functioning websites are more and more in demand.  Video, imagery, networking your site to have conjunctive links, and updating, updating, updating!  rule.  Google is the 300 pound gorilla in the room who controls search engines across America.  Jump through their hoop if you wish to show up on a search.  What do you need to do?
Invest in your creation.  This requires some work.  Listing your site on Google, placing their “special code” in your home page, and adding a few extra “Google requested” pages help your site become recognized.
(In my opinion, we’ve googled and oogled ourselves crazy and Google has become the Microsoft bully who in spite of this, is still loved liked the prodigal son.  Even Microsoft’s  new search baby Bing is admitting it uses Google technology to retrieve searches.  Pretty sneaky. So face it, Google rules.)
The other item important to Google is HOW OFTEN DO YOU UPDATE YOUR SITE? Yep.  Google is watching when no one else may be visiting your pages.  Google is looking and calculating to see if you have anything new to say.  If you don’t, Google begins to ignore you.  Chances are everyone else does as well. 

Falling, failing, wondering?  Don’t’ become terminal.


1 comment:

Quicksilver Spirit said...

This is good advice, Adele! My own blog has been quiet (too quiet) since Christmas. Time to Ramp it up! Dori