Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It’s a Techie Kind-of Day…Or is it?

a.k.a.- A Self Indulgent Moment
Adobe rolled out its promo for CS5 yesterday.  I know that means absolutely nothing to you.  It means a lot to me.  (It’s that perspective and perception thing we deal with every day.)  The news yesterday from Adobe means I will be learning and educating myself to new technological software if I have any intent in keeping up with this ever changing Internet business.

What about you?  Any new things in your work?

The iPad hit the market this past Saturday.  Over 300,000 iPads where sold in one day.  One comic was reported saying, “We’re now a country willing to pay $500 to find out what something is…”  It says to me, “Wow!  Maybe the recession's over”.   But it also says we live in a society clamoring for new technology and ways to instantly connect and have knowledge or entertainment or communication at any cost.

My real techie experience was watching this live promotional webinar about this new software suite hitting the market while sitting in my office at my computer.  I didn’t have to drive anywhere.  I was participating without travel or cost. While watching, the sidebar of my internet screen, displayed instant Twitter comments about the presentation.  Wow!  I really felt connected to these strangers and decided I work in a field that is constantly changing and creating and pushing the envelope and finding new ways to engage people…. Whee, it was cool!

My prayer, wish, for you is that you can experience something in your profession that challenges you, exhilarates you, engages you and makes you want more.  Peace.

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