Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Saint's Passing

"Give me the money. Give me the money," a witness overheard. Then there was a gunshot.

We hear testimonies like this all too often in the news. It’s become commonplace. Sorry to say, we tend to ignore the news. But once in a while we hear these words and they clang in our ears. Conjuring the sound of that gunshot pierces our senses and stops our breath. What is different? When that shot touches our heart.

Such was the case for me.

I didn’t know Robert Wafer. I’m not sure I ever met him or his family the one time I attended Paradise Missionary Baptist Church. But I grieve for his departure from this world nonetheless. Mr. Wafer was one of our saints.

He was devoted church volunteer, who was violently and senselessly gunned down in his front yard last Friday. It’s unclear whether the gunman even took the money he was demanding. The gunman did take a father and a grandfather. He took a man who drove the church van and sang of God’s praises. He took a man who had just prepared several pounds of brisket and ribs for the church’s picnic on Sunday.

No, I didn’t know Mr. Wafer. I don’t really know the folks at Paradise MBC. The church is a web client. It’s a congregation I visited. By with that one visit and with my continued work with them updating their site month after month, those folks are part of my fiber; just like all the other clients I update on a regular basis are an extended church family. I live my life with them as I type in their updates and optimize their images.

Once again, our cyber world draws us closer together than we sometimes realize. So I hope as you read this, you say a prayer for Mr. Wafer’s family and for the church family as they have lost one of their saints.

The paper reported Mr. Wafer’s favorite song was, “He’s An On Time God.” I’m sure God was on time with Mr. Wafer as he passed to welcome him to the arms of all the saints waiting who have gone before.

If interested in learning more about the church :

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