Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today's Word is...

cloy \KLOY\, transitive verb:
1. To weary by excess, especially of sweetness, richness, pleasure, etc.
intransitive verb:
1. To become distasteful through an excess usually of something originally pleasing.

The opulence, the music, the gouty food -- all start to cloy
my senses.--
Jeffrey Tayler, "The Moscow Rave part two: I Have Payments to
Make on My Mink",
Atlantic, December 31, 1997
use orange and lemon zest in the recipe and a drizzle of soured cream at the
to take away its tendency to cloy.-- Nigel Slater, "Cream tease",
, December 14, 2003
The soft
Orvieto Abboccato has just enough
sweetness to please but not to cloy, a friendly character that tempts one to
linger over a second glass.-- George Pandi, "Orvieto's pleasures deserve to be
savored like its wine",
Boston Herald, July 18, 2004
The season of debates, primaries and candidacy was exhillerating in January and February; yet has become cloy today in May.

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